The mysterious box ( Summer task )

John was wandering between the shelves, marvelling at all the junk, when he heard the voice,
“Excuse me young man. I wonder if you could help me? I’m over here, top shelf, near the back, next to the skulls.”
He looked on the top shelf and there, nestled between some grotesque skulls and two green glass jars, was a small wooden box. Lifting it down and giving it a   shake, he whispered, “Is there someone in there?”
 “Yes there is and that someone would be grateful if you would stop shaking him about.”
“Sorry, but I’ve never seen a box before that’s got a person inside it. What are you doing in there?
 “It’s a long story. All you need to know is that I’m a Genie and I’ve been locked in here for a long time. Now if you could just let me out.”
“A Genie! I thought they only came in lamps?”
“Normally they do, but the person who put me in here was in a bit of a hurry and lamps were in short supply.”
“But how do I get you out? There’s no lid. Shall I get a hammer and smash it open?”
“Don’t you dare!  All you need to do is rub the box three times.”

“Ok, I will rub the box three times and get you out.”
John rubbed the box three times and suddenly a smoke came out and the box disappeared. John wasn’t understanding anything. He ran to his mom and exited the shop as quick as possible.

Days past but John still didn't find where did the box and the Genie go.


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